Luca Arezzi De Bonis
Hi I'm

Luca Arezzi De Bonis

Sourcing Team Leader

badge check and stars

Key expertise

golden ribbon

Notable Achievements

team profile
Hi I'm

Luca Arezzi De Bonis

Sourcing Team Leader

Professional background and expertise

Your journey into real estate investment

My Journey Began in 2018 when i started in Residential Real Estate Sales, Very quickly Into my career I saw the value of owning rather than selling. After having the opportunity to discuss real estate with countless Investors, Builders and developers. In 2020 when everyone around me was looking to purchase a place to live in I decided I was going to stray away from the norm and invest in a duplex development. This Investment opened the doors to future possibilities and allowed me to pursue other development and investment opportunities over the years.

Areas you are most knowledgeable

My expertise in real estate investment spans four key areas:

1. Property transactions

2. Property Economics

3. Investment Feasibility

4. Property Development

5. Property and Development Finance

Clients can rely on my expertise to provide valuable insights and guidance in these critical aspects of real estate investment.

Achievements and client success stories

Personal philosophy and values

team hobbies outside work

Hobbies and interests

Vision and Future Goals

A drawing of a house on a black background.

It’s not too late to start

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